Tuesday 21 June 2011

Gaseous Vehicle Fuels: Alternative view

Commentators tend to lump together oil and gas and describe them as fossil fuels, complete with 'Peak Oil' crisis projections. BUT:

How long ago do you recall that during oil extraction or refining, that gases were flared off? Yeah, not too long ago, and in Russia and Nigeria it's still common practice.

Well I have to say that the Renaissance of CNG and LPG for transportation fuels is almost a' breath of fresh air'; why? Because these are practical uses for what was a waste product. By reducing flaring and marketing LPG, Propane, Butane CNG, LNG etc we are improving extraction efficiency. Thus making the fossil fuel business go 'further' for practically the same outlay.

This has to be a good thing. Whilst we wait around and twiddle our thumbs before hydrogen and electric vehicles have 'matured' to a point where they are available to the 'masses' at acceptable cost; in my [humble opinion] in about 15-20 years time.

So short term look at some commercialisation of gaseous fuels as an immediate alternative to petrol and diesel, with obvious environmental benefits.
